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Chongqing is the largest and most populous of the People's Republic of China's four provincial-level municipalities, and the only one in the less densely populated western region of China. Formerly (until March 14, 1997) a sub-provincial city within Sichuan Province, the municipality has a registered population of 31,442,300. The boundaries of Chongqing municipality reach much further into the city's hinterland than the boundaries of the other three provincial-level municipalities (Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin), and much of the municipality, which spans over 80,000 square kilometres, is rural. The old name "Chongqing".

Chongqing Municipality is divided into forty county-level subdivisions consisting of nineteen districts, seventeen counties, and four autonomous counties.

Recent city comments:

  • Huangjuewan Interchange, Iamhere wrote 4 years ago:
  • Hongyadong, Sam (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Popular shopping area where the buildings are of ancient styles.
  • Mersen Chongqing Co. Ltd. - A Graphite Factory, emailswarup wrote 16 years ago:
    Proper location
  • Apartment of YHX, emailswarup wrote 16 years ago:
    Exact location
  • Mersen Chongqing Co. Ltd. - A Graphite Factory, cespec wrote 16 years ago:
    Exact marking
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